
BEMES – Business Modeling and Simulation tool

Novel business model innovations for high tech customer offers frequently require the collaboration of multiple firms, each with their own specializations. As such, a need rises for the development of tools that allow modeling the entire value chain, without losing the details for each firm individually. Furthermore, investment decisions are often based on problem-specific models with limited replicability, revealing a second need for detailed, yet re-usable cost models.

The BEMES (Business Modeling and Simulation) tool addresses exactly the two challenges identified above. The high-level business modeler describes interactions between different actors, while the business calculator offers specific modeling languages that can be used to draw out easily interpretable cost models for firm individually. In the current version of the business calculator, which this demo will present, the following languages are available:

  • (1) ECMN for modeling the costs of investments in equipment
  • (2) BPMN for modeling the costs of executing processes
  • (3) hierarchical network investment cost modeling
  • (4) a KPI based price and revenue modeling.

Each of those modeling languages is complemented with a calculation module. The interface further provides wizards for defining time dependent functions and detail additional specifications of the elements. Finally, the web-based interface also provides the means of executing a simulation to explore and export the results of these simulations. As such the BEMES tool adds intuitive modeling approaches to the field of business modeling and techno-economic research, and provides reliable tools for translating these models into cost structures.

Keywords: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Platform
